Sculpture in space
Probably the best name for the new building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Osijek is “Sculpture in space”. Visible concrete construction, both on the facade and inside the building, and the continuous linear distribution of content along the longer axis of the building, are the basic elements that determined the function and design of the faculty building.
The characteristics, quality, and durability of the materials used were of special importance to the client. DRACO solutions have been selected for waterproofing structures in the ground. By using the same waterproofing material for the slab and walls, we enabled continuity, and thus complete waterproofing.
Value for the client
Since its founding in 1976, the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek has not had its premises but has been located at several locations in the city of Osijek. In such conditions, it was challenging to hold classes, laboratory tests, and regular consultations. Today, students enjoy socializing and learning in an architecturally unique building whose durability is guaranteed by built-in DRACO waterproofing systems.