Sauna waterproofing

Saunas no longer considered to be a luxury, as we can all have them, if we have enough space for them. There are many variants of their construction, often separate rooms are built or they are placed in one of the rooms of the house. When choosing any of the options, the question arises – how to insulate a steam room, and at the same time protect the walls of the bathroom from moisture?

The sauna area, which includes a dry sauna, steam sauna, showers and other wet rooms, is subject to various loads. Waterproofing and cladding systems must therefore be adapted to the load area. Based on the high moisture load in the steam sauna, the waterproofing and cladding system must additionally satisfy the function of the steam dam.

DRACO waterproofing coatings

DRACO LASTIC 150 is a highly flexible, two-component cement-based waterproofing coating modified with an emulsion of acrylic polymers with the addition of fine-grained aggregates.

Otporan je na stajaću vodu, niske i visoke temperature i na kontinuirane cikluse odmrzavanja i smrzavanja. Pogodan je za izolaciju kupaonica, wellnessa, balkona, terasa, parkirališta, bazena, cisterni, temelja te ostalih građevinskih konstrukcija i dilatacija. Zbog navedenih karakteristika, može se koristiti kao hidroizolacijski premaz kod sauni.

It is resistant to standing water, low and high temperatures and to continuous thawing and freezing cycles. It is suitable for insulation of bathrooms, wellness, balconies, terraces, parking lots, swimming pools, cisterns, foundations and other building structures and expansion joints. Due to the above characteristics, it can be used as a waterproofing coating in saunas.

Pay attention to waterproofing and make sure your saunas remain waterproofed and safe to use for many years to come. We are at your disposal for any questions!